Novelis highlights the value of diversity

Novelis, an affiliate of Aberje, has deepened the discussion of diversity and inclusion in its departments. Professionals of different genres, beliefs, ethnicities, and sexual orientations add their visions, opinions, and experiences to a multicultural environment that stimulates the search for the best solutions.
According to a survey by McKinsey Consulting, companies with a gender diversity show an increase of 15% on average on their financial performance. Ethnic diversity companies perform 35% better. “As people, we have much to share and learn from each other. A diverse environment makes our workplace more inclusive and Novelis increasingly up-to-date and competitive, able to talk to all audiences in all situations,” said Tadeu Nardocci, CEO of Novelis South America (NSA).
Globally, diversity has been the focus of discussions and initiatives within the company. A group of leaders recently met at Atlanta headquarters to discuss the current diversity landscape and plans. Glaucia Teixeira, vice president of HR, and Eunice Lima, Director of Communication and Government Relations, represented the company in this forum. An action plan, with a focus on gender diversity, has been drawn up in order to stimulate a diverse environment that inspires, attracts, and enables professionals to generate high-level results in the next two years. “I advise other women to take risks when an opportunity arises, because only then we will overcome obstacles and prejudices,” says furnace operator Patrícia Moreira.
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