28 de maio de 2020

CDI Comunicação strengthens team of directors

Beto Tercette and Cristina Metidieri arrive to reinforce the team of directors of the CDI Comunicação agency

Cristina Metidieri is the new Human Resources Director at CDI. With ten years of experience in the area, she won for seven consecutive editions the Great Place to Work award in the category of best companies to work for in the communication sector. The hiring reflects the agency’s commitment to qualify the team and obtain an efficient return on productivity, engagement, and employee loyalty.

Cristina Metidieri

Beto Tercette takes on the position of Innovation Director at the agency. An entrepreneur and specialist in digital, innovation, and technology, he is the co-founder of a digital marketing education company. Throughout his career, he contributed and worked on projects for brands such as BMW Group, CCR Group, Albert Einstein Hospital, Claro, Editora Saraiva, and Roberto Marinho Foundation.

Beto Tercette