15 de December de 2020

Aberje Awards choose the best in communication in a pandemic year


Read about the awarded companies and communicators among the more than 300 registered projects across the country. Klabin was elected Company of the Year.

The 46th edition of the Aberje Award announced on December 14th the organizations and professionals that stood out for the country’s best business communication practices in the challenging year of 2020. For the first time, the ceremony was held virtually.

The trophies were distributed in 16 categories, organized in the axes: Focus on the Theme, Focus on Audiences, and Focus on Media. Up to six jurors evaluated each category. These are programs, projects, campaigns, or communication actions by companies, advisors, agencies, freelancers, and organizations from all over the country, both Aberje associates and non-associates.

The title of Company of the Year went to Klabin, the largest producer and exporter of packaging paper in Brazil. On occasion, Candido Bracher, from Itaú Unibanco, was also honored as the Communicator CEO of the Year; Suzel Figueiredo, from Ideafix Pesquisa Corporativas, as Trajectory of the Year; and Pamela Seligmann, professor of Communication courses, with the James Heffernan Award for Educator of the Year.

By transforming communication into one of the main tools for disseminating good practices, Aberje granted the news show “Jornal Nacional”  the television category’s recognition at this year’s awards.

The financial daily Valor Econômico was awarded in the Newspaper category for its in-depth journalism and delivered in an agile, clear, and precise manner.

Another media awarded by Aberje was the Project Comprova by Abraji (Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism), in the Specialized Media category. The initiative brought together journalists from 28 media outlets to fact-check suspicious content related to public policies and the Covid-19 pandemic.

Aberje also awarded the result of the partnership between rideshare company 99 and “Folha de São Paulo” in the Brand Content category for its innovation in collaboration and content creation in the issue of urban mobility.

TV Cultura’s show “Roda Viva” received the Special Media of the Year Award in the Contribution to Public Debate category for ennobling the public debate arena, ensuring diversity of thoughts and opinions.

During the ceremony, the winners of the special awards were also announced. It was a tribute from Aberje to people and organizations that, with their work, help demonstrate the importance of the sector in Brazil. Juliana Lopes, Amaggi’s director of Sustainability, Communication, and Compliance, was the most voted Communicator of the Year by the audience.

The edition broke the participation record: there were 306 registered projects, from 279 organizations, which were evaluated by more than 250 jurors throughout all stages. In the Case Panel, all 69 regional winning projects, which made their defenses to compete for the national award, are available for consultation on Aberje’s YouTube channel. It is one of the largest collections of best practices of the year for Brazilian communication.

In 2021, the theme to be worked on at the Aberje Award will be “Communication and Ethical Capital”. Aberje President Paulo Nassar commented that this agenda is increasingly guiding the engagement of large institutional investors.

Since it was created in 1967, the Aberje Prize has been awarded to more than 2,600 projects and 900 different companies. The list of all this year’s winners – as well as the winning initiatives from previous editions – can be checked at the Aberje Memory and Reference Center.

See the full list here: https://www.aberje.com.br/premio-aberje-2020-revela-os-melhores-da-comunicacao-brasileira-em-ano-de-pandemia