Global Alliance AGM elects new Board 2023
The Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management 21st Annual General Meeting was held on Monday 15th May in Lusaka, Zambia. Global Alliance President Justin Green presented the 2022 Annual Report, which provided an overview of the key activities and initiatives conducted by the Global Alliance in 2022. Membership currently stands at 82 members.
The AGM approved all proposed changes to the Bylaws. These changes have met with widespread global support, allowing the organisation to become stronger, richer and true to our mission.
The newly elected board of directors who will commence their appointments 1 July 2023 were elected by the AGM. Global Alliance´s President, Justin Green, has been re-elected for a third two-year term. Silvia Arto from COM-ENT (France) has been re-elected Vice President. With 48% (13) female and 52% (14) male directors’ membership, Global Alliance´s new board has an excellent gender representation.
The incoming board includes leading professionals, academics, training and industry association leaders with representation from every continent. Global Alliance is a global, diverse and multicultural organisation representing professionals across all religions, cultures, societies and races.
“In our professional but also in our personal lives, we are all starting to see Artificial Intelligence play a growing role. From a public relations and communications perspective, this presents definite opportunities but also challenges – the opportunities will be best met and the challenges best addressed by applying a balanced mix of sound judgment and human intelligence” said Justin Green, President Global Alliance.
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