Yara launches web series that tells stories of Brazilian agriculture

Yara, the world leader in plant nutrition and an associate of Aberje, has just launched the digital series “Legends of Plant Nutrition.” With six episodes, it tells the story of renowned academics and researchers who revolutionized national agriculture and helped the sector to evolve to the current level, with records of productivity and adoption of cutting-edge technology.
Also, the videos help to clarify the main questions about the universe of fertilizers, especially for the general public. “Yara believes that the dissemination of the correct information is fundamental for the development of agriculture. [The campaign] expands the knowledge of various audiences concerning agriculture and good practices in the use of fertilizers, in addition to the importance of these inputs for increasing productivity,” says Germana Anghinoni, communication specialist at Yara Brasil.
The videos will be available fortnightly on Yara’s social networks and YouTube channel and will have a talk show format, presented by journalist Priscila Brandão. In addition to the testimonies on academic trajectory and research carried out, the videos will highlight the preservationist role of fertilizers about the environment and establish the demystification of fertilizers, bringing a positive message regarding the solutions developed by these legends to increase the productivity of Brazilian agriculture and worldwide.

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