Grupo Boticário invests in products with less impact on water

For Grupo Boticário, sustainability is the way to do business and materialize its purpose. Therefore, the company continuously invests in innovative initiatives to reduce negative impacts on the environment and develop sustainable products for the beauty market.
Based on this premise and to celebrate the World Water Day (March 22), Grupo Boticário has announced the launch of IARA (Environmental Risk Assessment Index in its Portuguese acronym), a tool that allows calculating the impact of rinsing products such as shampoos, conditioners, and soaps in the aquatic environment. The methodology allows quantifying the impacts of raw materials that can be harmful to water and thus help researchers to develop new formulas to replace or reduce the concentration of such ingredients. “Sustainability and innovation are among our main pillars. We continually invest in intellectual capital and resources to reinforce our commitment to the environment,” says Paulo Roseiro, R&D director at Grupo Boticário.
In the last year, 56% of the new rinsable formulas have already been developed with less impact on water, compared to the previous version of products or the average of their category. By 2024, the company predicts that 100% of rinsing products released with new formulas will have less impact on water, through a combination of ingredients with less potential for accumulation in and less toxicity to aquatic species, and greater potential for biodegradation.
The search for products that impact less the environment is in line with the work of the Boticário Group Foundation for Protection of Nature. Among the initiatives developed by the Foundation in aquatic ecosystems are bidding for financial support for actions in the coastal marine environment, protection of aquatic species threatened with extinction, and payment for environmental services for rural producers who have springs on their properties.
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