Seguros Unimed welcomes new talents in its Communication structure
The goal is to focus on the strategic bases that will allow the construction of even more integrated and synergistic work with the other Unimeds, adding new digital technologies and more efficiency to the operation.
Increasingly committed to paving a sustainable future, Seguros Unimed is experiencing a new moment. The goal is to focus on the strategic bases that will allow the construction of even more integrated and synergistic work with the other Unimeds, adding new digital technologies and more efficiency to the operation.
The company’s Communication area is also undergoing renovation, being reinforced by two talents to strengthening the brand’s reputation based on the culture of care, cooperation, innovation, and diversity and inclusion.
To lead the group’s Communication Advisory, Seguros Unimed has recently arrived executive Kátia Okumura, Communication Advisor at Seguros Unimed. Daiana de Camargo Petrini also joined the team, taking over the Insurer’s Corporate Communication Coordination.
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