Gerdau launches communication campaign to celebrate its 120th anniversary
The campaign, which includes TV, print, digital, and OOH media, compares the trajectory of the steel producer with that of a leafy tree
Gerdau has launched its new communication campaign to celebrate its 120 years of history, opening its commemorative year from the official anniversary date – January 16. The agency was responsible for the creation of the campaign strategy, which aims to connect the centenary legacy of the steel producer to the future and its purpose of empowering people who build the future.
The promotion of the campaign has a 360º strategy, with adds on standard and cable TV channels, print, digital, and OOH media. The celebratory campaign’s design goes around a comparison between the trajectory of Gerdau and that of a leafy tree with deep roots and prosperous fruits. This concept permeates the pieces’ narrative and design, showing how a century-old company, with strong and solid bases, continues to generate fruits and flowers, maintaining itself as one of the world’s leading steel producers.
A commemorative logo was created and the fusion of yellow and blue colors, which are the standard of the Gerdau brand, leading to to a new color in the communication of the largest steel producer in Brazil: Gerdau green.
“Gerdau’s 120 years are an important milestone for the company and we would like to convey this pride to the people who directly or indirectly took part in this trajectory. In addition to the communication campaign, a series of actions and projects to generate value shared with society are scheduled. We want to take advantage of this date not only to celebrate Gerdau’s legacy but also to reaffirm our commitment to the future,” says Pedro Torres, Gerdau’s global corporate communication and brand leader.
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