Brazilian companies stand out among the most sustainable in the world
Ranking 2021 of S&P Global is a benchmark in sustainable companies
Thirteen Brazilian companies that are Aberje members were recognized by The Sustainability Yearbook 2021, prepared by S&P Global ESG, one of the world’s largest financial analysis companies. The yearbook analyzed more than 7,000 companies that participate in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and is considered a reference for investors for presenting the leading companies in sustainability in the market. To participate in the ranking, companies must score among the best 15% in their sector.
In a message on the S&P Global website, Douglas L. Peterson, the company’s president and CEO, mentions that the yearbook is once again filled with revealing data and stories. “In a year when so many other things were competing for people’s attention, I want to express the gratitude of S&P Global to each of the companies that participated in the CSA in 2020. Looking to the future, I am more hopeful than ever with the positive contributions that companies will make to society.”
Check out the Brazilian Aberje member companies listed in the ranking below:
- Bradesco
- Banco do Brasil
- Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras – Eletrobras
- CEMIG (Companhia de Energia de MG)
- Telefônica Brasil
- Braskem
- Itaú Unibanco
- Klabin
- Natura & Co
- Neoenergia
- Petrobras Distribuidora
- SulAmerica
- Suzano
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