12 de January de 2022

Ajinomoto do Brasil achieves sustainability goals


The company invests in initiatives that reinforce its socio-environmental commitment

With a history of 65 years in the country, Ajinomoto do Brasil – a leader in the production of amino acids – uses several indicators that help measure its performance in socio-environmental practices. Guided by the ASV principle (Creation of Shared Value of the Ajinomoto Group), the company develops projects and actions aligned with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It presents results that stand out in the national market and when compared with other units of the Ajinomoto Group.

The actions taken by Ajinomoto do Brasil have already contributed to the company reaching several sustainability goals. Among them is reducing CO2 emissions, which aimed to get a percentage of 72%, and exceeded it, reaching 79%. Reducing water consumption, using renewable energy, and improving the recycling rate also achieved their goals, recording, respectively, 77%, 55%, and 100%. The company’s plants in Laranjal Paulista and Limeira, both in the State of São Paulo, are both examples of such actions. They have already adopted measures for these purposes since 2012 and managed to achieve significant reductions in CO2 emissions, 89% and 70%, respectively, after installing biomass boilers in their production lines.

Coupled with environmental initiatives and aligned with the global concern with population growth and limitations in the production of inputs, the company also established goals related to reducing food waste. “We are devising strategies to increasingly increase the awareness of our internal public, actions to support communities, and direct product donations to ensure food safety for all,” says Alessandra Tapi, Corporate Social Responsibility manager.

For the coming years, Ajinomoto do Brasil has set new goals, including reducing atmospheric emissions by 50%, water consumption by 80%, and food waste by 20% (by the end of FY 2021). In addition, the company seeks to reach the target of 50% in the use of renewable energy and, by 2030, wants to reduce the use of plastic and make it 100% recyclable. “At Ajinomoto, we believe it is important to reinforce our socio-environmental commitment increasingly. Through our projects and actions, we seek to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals,” says Venâncio Forti, Integrated Management System (SGI).