Cloudy times
The 7th PUA (Aberje University Award), sponsored by multinational tech company SAP, proposed the challenge ‘How to communicate in the cloud?”, with the broad theme “The power of the cloud: solutions, services and SAP culture”. Undergraduate students were asked to reflect upon and design communication solutions for SAP, a company that is becoming a cloud service provider for its clients.
The challenge’s final happened in November, at the company headquarters in São Paulo, Brazil. The winner was “Os 3 C’s”, by Jenifer de Sousa Fernandes and Janaina Rodrigues, from Universidade Metodista do Estado de São Paulo (UMESP). “What we learned is that in order to have a successful communication plan, the goal of the project needs to be in line with the organizational culture of the company”, says Jenifer Sousa. In second place, the jury chose “Make it now, make it simple”, by Bruna Leandro Pereira, from Escola de Comunicações e Artes, USP. Deborah Kayamori Lopes, from Faculdade Belas Artes, stood in third with her project “Impulsionando o Limite”.
“For SAP the PUA challenge has a lot of positive incomes. It’s a great opportunity to reach to this public: all participating students researched and learned more about our brand. That’s the most important for us”, says Luciana Coen, Director of Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility at SAP
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