Aberje signs partnership with ANBIMA for research on communication in the financial sector
Associations unite to map corporate communication in the financial and capital markets in 2021
The Brazilian Association of Business Communication – Aberje entered into a partnership with the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities (ANBIMA) to enable unprecedented research on Corporate Communication in Brazil’s financial and capital sector to be developed next year. Entitled “The communication of the financial and capital markets in Brazil,” the study meets the theme of the year of Aberje in 2021: Communication and Ethical Capital.
According to economist Leonardo Paes Müller, the main goal of the study – to be carried out with institutions that operate in the financial and capital markets – is to present an overview of the sector’s communication structure regarding the composition, models, and processes of action, ways to reach and dialogue with strategic audiences, trends and main challenges and needs for professional development, among other factors.
Marcello Billi, head of Communication, Marketing and Relationship at ANBIMA – an entity that gathers about 300 associates such as banks, investment banks, asset managers, and brokerage firms, mostly – says that this complex and diverse ecosystem of stakeholders challenges the communication of associates and association itself. “We see this research as a great opportunity in several dimensions: first because it can help us build benchmarks on communication strategies that can be very valuable for us and for all our associates, in addition to presenting itself as a tool with great potential for us closer to the communication areas of the companies associated with ANBIMA”.
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