Web series “Braskem Design Challenge” is back for a second season

A last year’s YouTube sensation, the social reality showcasing the day-to-day success of 18 architecture and design students selected for the Braskem Design Challenge, is back. The first episodes of this second season can already be watched on the channel of industrial designer Paulo Biacchi on Youtube. In all, ten chapters will show the creative process and stories of each student in the development of an injected plastic product. To follow the competition, which has unpublished episodes every Thursday at 9:00 pm, just sign up for the channel or follow Paulo Biacchi’s channel.
The Design Challenge was created with the aim of presenting plastic to future architects and designers as a versatile and adaptable material, which makes it possible to solve problems and opens the way to new professional opportunities. The sixth edition of the program seeks to provide students with a market development experience, also fostering a new mindset and new paradigms regarding the use of plastic.
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