We all recycle

During one whole week in October, Braskem professionals dedicated themselves to answering questions about plastic recycling from consumers in Brazil. The target audience were people who had previously tweeted about plastic, and the idea was to develop recycling initiatives and encourage plastic reuse through the Wecycle platform.
The Wecycle platform was created to foster the development of businesses that add value to post-consumer plastic waste. The initiative reinforces the company’s commitment to the plastics chain in Brazil by encouraging the development of products with recycled content. “The Wecycle platform has achieved very good outcomes in fostering plastic recycling. This Tweeter action was a step ahead to engage the final consumer in the good practices with plastic, which can be recognize through the Wecycle seal”, says Américo Bartilotti, Polyethylene Business Director at Braskem.
Braskem has a dedicated recycling team to strengthen partnerships with clients, recyclers and brand owners. In Brazil, companies such as Grupo Pão de Açúcar (GPA) and Muzzicycles already have developed new plastics recycling solutions made possible by the integration of various links in the production chain.
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