02 de julho de 2020

United Nations Commission recognizes Suzano’s environmental restoration program

The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) promoted a webinar to present projects considered transforming towards the sustainability of development. The Environmental Restoration Program of Suzano – an associate company of Aberje – was among the highlights of the initiative organized by Cepal and Rede Brasil do Pacto Global.

Called Big Push for Sustainability, the webinar launched an online repository of case studies on investments for sustainability in Brazil, organized by ECLAC. To select them, ECLAC held a public call, bringing together 131 case studies. Experts in sustainable development from IPEA, the Brazilian Federal Government, and ECLAC selected 66 cases considered eligible to compose the Big Push Case Repository for Sustainability in Brazil.

“Suzano plants a native tree every two minutes. In addition to the commitment to environmental preservation and restoration, we are committed to the communities surrounding the company’s factories. Since 2010, we have been committed to the social and sustainable development of rural communities”, said Sarita Severien, Suzano Sustainability consultant who participated in the webinar.

Using customized techniques and methodologies, the project resulted in the planting of 10.7 million native seedlings over ten years. They took place in more than 12,000 acres of degraded areas, distributed in three Brazilian biomes: Amazon, Atlantic Forest, and Cerrado.

Starting this year, the company wants to expand the capture of synergies and the sharing of good practices among all units of the company. The work is being led by a corporate management group that is mapping the different lines of action. Thus, the initiative will become even more scalable and replicable in Brazilian territory.

In addition to the program, the repository also includes another Suzano initiative –the case study of Suzano’s Rural Territorial Development Program (PDRT).