25 de julho de 2019

Uber survey shows that 68% of Brazilians quit drinking and driving to use rideshare apps

More than two-thirds of Brazilians who drink alcohol stopped driving after drinking and started using mobility applications on these occasions, according to a survey by the National Road Safety Observatory (ONSV), conducted by Datafolha with the support of Uber – an Aberje associate. The survey was disclosed during the May Yellow campaign – a global initiative aimed at raising awareness about road safety and accident reduction.

The global company had developed other initiatives for May Yellow in the past. In 2018, a Brazilian goalkeeper used his cellphone during a match while he was playing and the game was live on TV. Some days later, it was revealed that it was a part of a May Yellow campaign to raise awareness for using cell phones while conducting other activities – especially driving.

As for the 2019 initiative, the survey brought important data to raise a discussion about drinking, driving, and using rideshare apps. The survey points out that 83% of Brazilians agree that rideshare apps have contributed to a decrease in traffic deaths, just as 81% think apps have made traffic safer overall. Data from the Ministry of Health released last year indicate that after the strengthening of Lei Seca (Operation Prohibition or Dry Law), the number of deaths in traffic accidents fell from 44,800 in 2012 to 37,3000 in 2016 – a 17% reduction.

According to Datafolha, the change in behavior regarding alcohol and driving can be observed mainly among younger people up to 24 years: 75% agreed that they changed their cars for the application when they will consume alcohol. This age group prefers apps. Among the population aged 60 and over this is the 59% choice.

According to the survey, the use of rideshare apps to go to parties, restaurants, and celebrations reach 49% among residents of metropolitan regions of the country. The main reason (50%) for using this option is safety (fear of burglary and accidents involving drinking and driving).

The study also found that 64% of respondents agree that, in the past, people combined drinking and driving for lack of transportation. Also, 73% of Brazilians consider that people quit drinking and driving since the resurgence of apps.

In the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo, home to the largest number of Uber trips in the world, the percentage of respondents who agree that people have stopped drinking and driving to use apps is around 85%. Among those surveyed, 77% started using mobility apps more for parties, celebrations, bars, and clubs, and 85% agreed that apps have been making traffic safer.