TozziniFreire law firm launches LATAM compliance league

TozziniFreire Advogados has announced the creation of the Latin American Compliance & Investigation League (LACIL). This initiative, with the participation of major players in the area, aims to develop a forum for discussions related to Compliance. The first meeting took place in early November and gathered the offices of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. According to Shin Jae Kim, a partner responsible for Compliance and Investigation, the last five years witnessed the Car Wash Operation in Brazil and other investigations in the country and the region, as well as the entry into force of Law no. 12.846/2013 (the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law). The practice of Compliance and Investigation has been implemented and is now being learned in the neighboring countries. “We are today protagonists in several subjects that until then had little repercussion,” says Kim. Regarding the current situation in Brazil regarding Compliance and Investigation, the partner explained that the country reached a level of considerable maturity. “Brazil is leaving the so-called State of Sanctioning Law, the one that punishes, for the Consensus, in which an agreement is sought through preventive measures,” says.
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