The 50-year history of Aberje in a book
At the end of December 2018, Aberje – Brazilian Association of Business Communication – launched the book “50 Years Aberje: Essays and Memories”, in celebration of the association’s fiftieth anniversary.
The book is divided into two parts. The first half talks about the trajectory of Aberje and its relation to the evolution of Corporate Communication in the country. Besides, it deals with its process of nationalization and internationalization of the association, the creation of the entity’s various fronts – such as the Aberje Prize, the Memory and Reference Center, Aberje Editorial and DatAberje – and the perspectives and challenges for the future. In the second part, the book gathers 19 essays from leading academic and market professionals, reflecting on the pressing issues of contemporary communication: ethics, social responsibility, reputation, engagement, government and institutional relations, press, social networks, measurement, and agencies. Among the authors are Renato Janine Ribeiro, Matthew Shirts, Pollyana Ferrari, Suzel Figueiredo, Yacoff Sarkovas, among others.
The publication closes the commemorative cycle of the Project Aberje 50 years, which had a series of actions throughout the year. It started at the end of 2017, with the 50th party celebrated in Sala São Paulo. Along 2018, it continued with Arenas of Communication, a series of meetings in various cities in Brazil to discuss issues that challenge communication. Also as part of the 50-year project, three special editions of the Revista EC – Comunicação Empresarial were published.
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