31 de maio de 2017

Specialized information

News website Jota, dedicated to supplying specialized information about the legal world, couldn’t choose a better timing to launch a newsletter to lobby professionals. It’s a historical moment in Brazil, with operation “Car Wash” and the discussion about the impacts of systemic corruption and the relationship between public and private. Lobby is also the focus of Bill 1202/07, that defines rules and limits to lobbying in Brazil.

Às Claras, the name of the newsletter, means something that is done in broad day light, or in the clear. It gathers information that is tactical, specific and reliable for lobbying professionals, which most of the times are not printed by the mass media.

Jota’s group of experienced journalists analyze the most relevant events of the week on the Supreme Court, House and Senate, and Executive branch. “Quality information is mandatory for a business environment that is stable and predictable”, says Fernando Mello, a journalist from Jota.

You can sign up for Às Claras in contato@jota.info.





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