28 de janeiro de 2020

Paulo Nassar writes in financial communication manual

Paulo Nassar, CEO of Aberje and full professor at the School of Communications and Arts at USP (Universidade de São Paulo), co-authored a chapter in the book “The Handbook of Financial Communication and Investor Relations,” together with Luiz Alberto de Farias and Ágatha Camargo Paraventi. The work is published by Wiley-Blackwell and is part of the Handbooks in Communication and Media collection.

It offers an unprecedented global view of cutting-edge thinking and practice in investor relations and financial communication, presenting contributions from leading scholars in financial communication and related fields, including public relations, corporate communication, finance, and accounting.

The article by Nassar, Farias, and Paraventi, “Investor Relations in Brazil: From the Protection of Major Stakeholders to Value Management for Concerned Parties,” investigates the evolution of Investor Relations in Brazil, based on the analysis of economic changes and the evolution of the capital market in the country, the regulation of activity and the organization of civil society on the topic. The book is available on Amazon.