Paulo Henrique Soares Ranks in 2019 World’s Most Influential Communicators Ranking

The Holmes Report, a US Public Relations publication, recently released the 2019 Ranking Influence 100. The study, which highlights the most influential professionals in business communication around the world, selected Paulo Henrique Soares, Communication Director of IBRAM – Brazilian Mining Institute, for the shortlist. It is the fifth consecutive time that the executive figures his name in the ranking.
Paulo holds a degree in Advertising from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais and a master’s degree in Communication from PUC-Minas. He worked for 21 years in Vale’s Communication area. He currently works with the reputation of the mining industry at the Brazilian Institute of Mining.
Besides, Paulo is also director of the Aberje Brasilia Chapter, acts as an instructor at the Aberje School of Communication and has written several articles on Internal Communication. He co-authored the book released by Aberje Editorial in 2017, “Megaphones Out, Smartphones In: Practices, Challenges, and Dilemmas of Employee Communication,” written with Rozália Del Gáudio, which addresses the challenges of employee communication.

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