New moves in comms positions
Some well-known executives of the communication industry in Brazil change positions between December 2017 and January 2018. Here they are:
Leandro Modé is Itaú’s new Corporate Communications Superintendent. The institution formalized the announcement in December. Modé is a journalist, with an MBA in Finance from FIA / FEA, University of São Paulo (USP), and a specialization in Economic Journalism from the University of Navarra (Pamplona, Spain). A journalist for 20 years, he started to focus on Corporate Communication as executive director of FSB Comunicação.
Julio Gama took over as Vale’s Communications Officer in early December. Former director of Communications at Telefonica Brasil, Gama now leads 60-plus professionals team in different states of Brazil and is responsible for Vale’s communication strategy globally. Before joining Telefonica, Gama was also Communications Superintendent for HSBC Brazil.
Gustavo Pinto Gachineiro was elected at the end of the year as the new Legal and Institutional Relations Vice President of CPFL Energia, the largest private group in the Brazilian electricity sector. The executive will be responsible for Legal, Sustainability, Business Communication, and Institutional Relations areas, as well as the CPFL Institute. Before joining CPFL Energia, he was Vice President of Corporate Affairs at Telefonica Brazil since 2015.
Camilla Tápias took over the vice presidency of Corporate Affairs of Telefônica Brasil in January. Camilla will be responsible for leading the Regulatory, Institutional Relations, Sustainability and Fundação Telefônica Vivo areas. With a Law degree from the University of São Paulo (USP), Tápias worked with corporate law and, in 1998, took a master’s degree at the Georgetown University in Washington (USA). For 16 years, the executive has been conducting regulatory and competition issues for the Telefónica Group in Brazil.
Desiery Marchini is the new manager of Institutional Relations of the Gazeta Network. With experiences in public management in the state of Espirito Santo, she is now responsible for the strengthening of the company’s image and institutional relationship, as well as the management of internal and external communication policies of the group.
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