McDonald’s donates meals to truck drivers
Action is part of the Bom Vizinho program, maintained for 15 years by the fast-food chain in Brazil
McDonald’s – an Aberje associate company – has already delivered approximately 15,000 meals to healthcare professionals in more than 28 cities and is now extending this initiative to truck drivers in several locations. The action started in the town of Bauru (state of Sao Paulo), on March 30, and is being extended to other regions of the interior of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Tocantins.
The distribution of meals — made with the direct participation of the franchisees of the chain — is part of the Bom Vizinho volunteer program, which accounts for more than 100,000 actions over 15 years. Among the initiatives already carried out by the program is the collection of clothing, the planting of seedlings, and visits to nursing homes.
EMPLOYEES – To protect the health and well-being of its employees and customers, the company has established a special protocol for services such as Delivery and Drive-Thru. The placing of areas of social distance in restaurants, availability of products for hygiene, and care in conditioning products are some of the measures adopted. Employees who belong to the risk group, in all sectors, started to work remotely.
SUPPORT – Believing in joining forces so that the country can overcome this moment caused by the new coronavirus, McDonald’s decided to support micro and small companies in the food sector in Brazil, opening free and online training classes aimed at professionals working in this segment, through the website The first class had 740 subscribers.
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