Mastercard donates 3.4 million meals to Covid-19 patients
Two months after launching the movement, ”Be a part: start what is priceless” to help Brazil to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic, Mastercard announces that it has distributed more than 3.4 million meals to patients of the new coronavirus, through non-governmental organizations. The company now proposes to donate 5 million meals by the end of 2020, doubling its initial target.
Covid-19 remains a huge global challenge. According to the latest UN report, the pandemic could doom more than 130 million people to chronic hunger by the end of this year.
“It is with great pride that we announce this beaten and expanded goal, with the certainty that we will continue to help people and carry out actions of immediate impact,” said Sarah Buchwitz, vice president of Marketing and Communication at Mastercard Brasil and Cone Sul.
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