17 de dezembro de 2019

LiderCom discusses prospects for 2020

LiderCom, the Aberje forum for business communication leaders, held its last meeting of the year at the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Foundation in São Paulo. At the meeting, the economist Samuel Pessoa, professor of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation and columnist of Folha de S. Paulo, the political scientist Sérgio Fausto, superintendent of the FHC Foundation, and Paulo Nassar, full professor of the School of Communications and Arts of USP and president of Aberje, set scenarios and perspectives for 2020.

On the economic side, the horizon is one of slight growth, with low interest rates and controlled inflation. Nevertheless, in the political scenario, the prediction is that municipal elections will further exacerbate polarization. The debate was attended by communicators from companies, the public sector and the third sector. Aberje and FHC Foundation are partnering for content production and research development.

Created in 2016 by Aberje, LiderCom aims to be a space for dialogue and relationship between business communication professionals. One of the permanent agenda of debate is the relationship between  CCOs (Communication Chief Officer) and CEOs of the companies. The group has already met with Roberto Setúbal (Itaú), Sérgio Leite (Usiminas), Jerome Cadier (LATAM Airlines), Anke Schmidt (BASF), and Richard Edelman (Edelman).