Issues of Compliance and Government Relations are explored at Aberje

The practice of government relations is becoming more professional in Brazil, It began as an obscure understanding of the relationship between business and government, and now it is an institutionalized activity that requires highly trained professionals.
The Government Relations Committee of Aberje was created in 2012 with the aim of providing knowledge and best practices in the area. In addition to bringing together important figures in the three sectors of society, the committee presents research about the activity of the lobby in Brazil. Today, in partnership with the agency Fundamento RP, the Compliance and Government Relations Committee at Aberje looks at these activities again. The agency has operated in the market for 25 years and has been involved in issues regarding government relations, such as the mapping of stakeholders, the monitoring of issues in the legislature and relationships with public authorities.
“Recent facts involving the relationship between companies and public authorities have demonstrated forcefully what many professionals already knew, but could not show it so clearly: the conduct contrary to ethical values damage the reputation and business enterprise of those who adopt it – as well as the wealth of a country. This reality enhances the work of professionals who watch over the business reputation. Now they are responsible for not only what companies communicate, but also for how they should behave”, says Marta Dourado, founder of Fundamento.
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