Instituto Ayrton Senna/Neoenergia partnership benefits 1.3 million children and young people
Neoenergia and the Ayrton Senna Institute have been partners for more than 12 years. Together they have implemented educational solutions in strategic regions of Brazil and, consequently, have taken quality public education to thousands of children and young people. This agreement has already benefited more than 1.3 million students – through the training of more than 37,000 educators – from the states of Bahia, Pernambuco, and Rio Grande do Norte, in which the companies maintain their distributors: Coelba, Celpe, and Cosern.
This path of success is being expanded. Currently, partnerships with the municipal education secretariats allow the Ayrton Senna Institute to bring quality education to the following cities: Salvador, Juazeiro, Feira de Santana (state of Bahia), Recife (state of Pernambuco), and Natal (state of Rio Grande do Norte). “The commitment of Neoenergia has been fundamental for the maintenance and expansion of our work. It is a strategic partner for us, and it always shows commitment to the cause of education, because it has never ceased to support our actions in those localities and today have the results of having brought development to the region where it operates,” says Thiago Fernandes, Director of Business of the Ayrton Senna Institute.
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