Insight into Asian Communication
A speech from the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Rudiantara, opened the ASEAN PR Conference 2017 organized by the ASEAN PR Network (APRN) and Global Alliance PR and Communication Management.
With the theme “Communicating ASEAN’s in Global Competitiveness,” the Conference explored the ASEAN’s journey towards the next milestone beyond emphasizing what the outlooks of a diverse range of communication practitioners operating in South East Asia are and how the world views ASEAN approaches to public relations theory and practice.
“The aims of the conference are to connect and network. Through this exercise, participants gain better insight on the how communication can position ASEAN globally competitive as well as how to maximise and harvest ASEAN’s brands towards its full potential,” said Prita Kemal Gani, President of APRN.
Tato Carbonaro, Institutional and International Relations Manager at Aberje, and board member of the Global Alliance for Public Relations, was the moderator at the debate “PR competencies and abilities in ASEAN and Globally”, with Anne Gregory, from Huddersfield University in the UK, and Ramon Osório, former president at the Philippines PR Association.
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