Innovation is the word at McDonald’s
A series of experiments aimed at enhancing customer satisfaction is shaping a small revolution at Brazilian McDonald’s restaurants. “We are looking for innovation wherever it might be”, says David Grinberg, Corporate Communication Director at Arcos Dorados, the company responsible for 850 restaurants and 84 cafés in the country.
In 2014 a crisis in the US saw sales numbers drop. Since then, the company has been recovering slowly but steadily. Considering the size of the company, the challenges are astounding. The Brazilian office has lost no time in sensing the changing environment and working to adapt to new demands – for instance, those presented by the millennials. Born between 1980 and 2000, these young adults have very different dreams from their parents. “We employ 50,000 people. From those, 85% are between 18 and 25 years old”, says Grinberg. That translates into creating new strategies to attract and retain the working force. “We changed our HR approach. Now, our training videos are made by and to our employees, using their language”.
Another successful experience took place last year in the Brazilian state of Paraná. Selected restaurants tried new casual uniforms, with colorful polo shirts. The front-line employees were also given permission to wear make-up and hairdos of their choice. “Their confidence increased and the sales were up”, reveals Grinberg. Cashiers are also being encouraged to make their own sales, using the prepared standard sales speech just as a guide, which will make them build stronger community relationships.
McDonald’s is also looking into ways to better harness the talent of employees. “We have so much potential,” says Grinberg. “I’m sure there’s a lot of talent around, waiting to be discovered. Did you know that Anderson Silva (Brazilian mixed martial arts star, and former UFC champion) and Jeff Bezos worked at McDonald’s?”, asks an enthusiastic Grinberg.
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