29 de janeiro de 2020

Global survey on crisis management and communication with employees ends next Saturday

Data collection in three languages finishes on Feb 5th; organizers aim at publishing a book with the results as early as 2020.

Paulo Henrique Soares, Communication Director at IBRAM – Brazilian Mining Institute, and Rozália Del Gáudio, Communication Director at McDonald’s Brasil, authors of the book “Megaphones Out, Smartphones In: Practices, challenges, and dilemmas of communication with employees,” launched by Aberje Editorial, they are partners again in a new editorial project, this time co-authored by Rodrigo Soares.

The first step is to conduct a global survey that addresses corporate crisis management from the perspective of communicating with employees. Available in three languages – Portuguese, English, and Spanish – the survey is scheduled to end on Wednesday, February 5th.

“All of us, communication professionals, have already gone through some reputational crisis. We know the importance of planning and especially prevention,” says Del Gáudio.

The goal is to launch the new book both in domestic and global markets by the end of the year, after crossing survey data. Filling out the questionnaire takes about 10 minutes.

Portuguese: www.bit.ly/comunicacao_com_empregados (pool closed)

English: http://www.bit.ly/employee_communication

Spanish: www.bit.ly/comunicación-con-los-empleados