02 de março de 2020

Global Alliance promotes ethics month

The Global Alliance for PR and Communication Management (GA) – an international organization that brings together several communication associations – launched the “Ethics Month” campaign in February. Aberje joined the campaign from the beginning and mentioned the action at its events that month. The initiative aims to promote knowledge and practices related to ethics in corporate communication.

Considering ethics in all day-to-day decisions can be challenging. For this reason, several associations have developed protocols to deal with these decisions while maintaining a coherent criterion. The Global Alliance gathered content with guidance on the topic of communication associations worldwide and made it available on its website.

“We know that many of you are engaged in activities related to ethics throughout the year.  Moreover, we will multiply our collective efforts and bring global attention to the exemplary work you are doing in your countries,” says Sarah Hanel, director of Ethics and Standards at the Global Alliance.

Aberje is part of the Global Alliance board and maintains several thematic study committees related to corporate communication. Ethics is the theme of the Aberje Communication, Integrity, and Compliance Committee and brings together professionals from large companies to discuss and generate knowledge on the subject. Aberje-associated professionals who wish to be part of the committee – which operates on an annual basis with a stipulated timetable for meetings – can apply here.