04 de outubro de 2017

Gislaine Rossetti elected Chair of the Board at Aberje

In a meeting held on Monday evening, September 18th, the Executive Board of Aberje – The Brazilian Association for Business Communications elected Gislaine Rossetti, Director of Institutional Relations and Sustainability at Latam, as the Chair of the Board. Rossetti will assume the position left by Paulo Marinho, a former executive at Itaú, who is now on sabbatical.

Gislaine holds a post-graduate degree in Marketing, Administration and Business Management from the University of São Paulo. She has nearly three decades of experience in Corporate Communications. Most of this time was spent at BASF where she worked for 18 years until she moved to TAM, in 2014, when the airline began its merger with the Chilean airline Lan.

Gislaine Rossetti Latam_por Juan Esteves_MG_7427_m
Gislaine Rossetti, Director of Institutional Relations and Sustainability at Latam and Chair of the Executive Board at Aberje

‘“My goal at Aberje is to continue the excellent work carried out by Paulo Marinho and also to focus on the consolidation of Lidercom, a program that has the potential to influence society through communication with an emphasis on ethics, transparency and efficiency in business,” says the executive.

Paulo Pereira, Director of Communications at Bayer will act as Vice Chair of the Board. Pereira, who has been working for more than 30 years in the areas of Communications and Public Relations, has a post-graduate degree in advertising and marketing from New York University and has led the communications area at the German multinational since 2011.

“After the extraordinary management of Paulo Marinho, who has put Aberje in a position to grow as an entity, the possibilities for further growth with Gislaine Rossetti and Paulo Pereira will be immense. These are two professionals with sophisticated training and innovative visions that will guide the association in the future, said Paulo Nassar, the President and Director of Aberje.

The following board members were unable to attend the meeting: Paulo Pereira, of Bayer – who was elected Vice Chair – Cassia Cinque of Vale, Fábio Caldas of CPFL, Fernando Egydio of Brookfield Brasil, Luciana Coen of SAP, Nelson Silver of GM and Odete Duarte of Rhodia.

Standing, from left to right – Cláudio Viveiros, Wilson Sons; Eraldo Carneiro, Petrobras; Rosana Aguiar, Embraer; Paulo Nassar, ECA-USP and Aberje; Gislaine Rossetti, LATAM; André Senador, Volkswagen; Francisco Bulhões, CCR Group; Hélio Muniz, Avon. Seated, from left to right – Cristiana Brito, BASF; Mário Laffitte, Samsung; Hamilton dos Santos, Aberje; Marcela Porto, Suzano Pulp and Paper; Marcelo Behar, Natura. Photo: Mariana Pekin