19 de dezembro de 2016

GE lesson: how to master your corporate YouTube channel

Corporate videos can be fun. That’s the lesson GE has to teach whoever is interested. In 2011, the company took its first baby step towards digital communication, including hiring a team dedicated to creating, producing and managing electronic content. The target was to broaden the relationship with all GE publics: clients, government, associations, engineers, tech lovers and employees.

Today, they can celebrate the success of the idea. GE Brazil YouTube channel has more than ten thousand subscribers and has just received the Aberje Prize for “Media of the Year in Corporate Communication”, under the category “Specialized Digital Media”.

This year, the channel reached its peak with the videos created for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, sponsored by GE. The company brought back two characters from a very successful kids program in Brazilian TV, Tibia and Peronio, who presented a webseries about the technologies sustaining the infrastructure of the Games.

“For the first time, GE was one of the top three brands (and the only B2B) that most attracted people in social media during the Olympic Games, according to ADWeek”, emphasizes Sérgio Giacomo, Communication and Institutional Relations Director for Latin America at GE.

“GE puts a big effort to promote and stimulate the dialogue about interesting themes, like the challenges in infrastructure and the increase in productivity and efficiency in different sectors. We are always looking for innovation and new ideas in our digital channels, both internal and external”, says Giacomo.