28 de janeiro de 2020

Eraldo Carneiro is the new head in Strategic Reputation and Purpose Management at In Press

With over 30 years of experience in Business Communication, Eraldo Carneiro has just taken on a new consulting area within In Press Porter Novelli focused on Strategic Reputation and Purpose Management.

Eraldo will lead the consultancy projects in strategic planning and integrated management of communication, reputation, and corporate purpose. Its main mission will be to increase the strategic skills of In Press, expanding and qualifying consulting services and products for clients.

In the areas of reputation and purpose, Carneiro will act in the development of analyzes, studies, diagnoses, plans, and management mechanisms that help companies to define, integrate and align their corporate positioning with business strategies and society’s expectations.

In recent years, Eraldo Carneiro has held several positions at Petrobras. He was responsible for the implementation of systems for planning, monitoring and measuring communication. More recently, he was responsible for creating and implementing the Petrobras’ new reputation management model.

With a degree in Communication from UFRJ and a postgraduate degree in Marketing from FIA / USP, Carneiro already chaired the Deliberative Council of Aberje and was a member of the Superior Council of ABA until last year. He also served as a professor, for 15 years, of graduate studies at ESPM / Rio and has articles published in specialized magazines, cases and awarded papers at international conferences of the Reputation Institute, CCI (Corporate Communication Institute) and IABC (International Association of Business Communicators). For two years, he was listed among the 100 Most Influential Company Communicators in the world (Influence100), a ranking produced by the Holmes Report.

Eraldo Carneiro