15 de abril de 2019

EDP launches a campaign to strengthen its brand in Brazil

EDP, a company in the Brazilian electric sector and a member of Aberje, launches its new institutional campaign Ligando você ao que importa” (“Connecting you to what matters”) in February 2019. The objective of the action is to reinforce the image of EDP as a company present in the most special moments of the life of its customers through energy.

The advertising pieces, created by the brand consultant Gad, will be aired during February on the radio, TV, newspapers, and digital platforms, in the areas covered by EDP distributors in the states of São Paulo, Espírito Santo, and Santa Catarina. The campaign’s film was inspired by a concept created by the Havas agency for EDP in Portugal. “Our goal is to communicate a strong, humane, and innovative brand. We want to show that we are present from the generation to consumption of energy in people’s homes, in their most important moments,” says Paulo Campos Costa, global director of Communication at EDP.

EDP supplies energy to 70 of the 78 municipalities of the state of Espirito Santo, with 1.5 million customers; in the state of São Paulo, the concession area comprises the Alto Tietê, Vale do Paraíba, Litoral Norte, and Guarulhos, totaling 28 municipalities and 1.8 million customers. In Santa Catarina, EDP is the main shareholder of CELESC, with 23.56% stake in the Santa Catarina energy distributor.

Moreover, the company has been maintaining Instituto EDP for ten years, which directly and indirectly benefits communities with projects and actions focused on education, the environment, income generation, sports, leisure, and culture. The company has already invested more than 100 million real in the institute, causing positive impacts in more than 3 million people.



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