Brazil will host the third edition of CIBECOM in 2021
At the closing ceremony of the second edition of the Ibero-American Strategic Communication Summit in May in Madrid, Spain, two important announcements were made: Argentina will host the Fundacom 2020 Awards, and Brazil will receive CIBECOM 2021. With these announcements, Fundacom highlights the importance of events such as these to travel through different Ibero-American countries.
CIBECOM is the main event of executives of communication of Spanish and Portuguese language, with biennial editions. Organized by Fundacom, its first edition took place in Miami, USA, and the second in Madrid, Spain. Thus, it will be the first time the event reaches South America. The Summit should take place in the first half of 2021, in São Paulo, and will be held in conjunction with the main event of communication trends in Brazil, Aberje Trends.
CIBECOM 2019 had more than 250 participants and 60 speakers. The event was attended by world leaders in industries such as technology, sports, research, and public administration. It had three thematic axes: technology, emotion, and adaptation, which were debated in the global context of great volatility.
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