30 de março de 2020

Brasilprev announces João Quaranta for new data superintendent

Brasilprev – an associate of Aberje – has announced João Marsiglia Quaranta as new data superintendent. Among the main activities are: preparing and providing studies and reports that support the corporate processes of Business Intelligence; develop models that guide the company’s strategies and performance; define, implement and manage Data and Model Architecture and Governance; disseminate the culture of data and analysis while creating value for the customer.

Quaranta holds a Statistics degree from the Federal University of Sergipe – his homeland – and is currently finishing his third MBA in Analytical Intelligence, from FGV.  

“The idea is to create a data-driven culture, making the company organize its processes and metrics based on accurate information and analysis, preventing any decision made based solely on impressions, intuitions, superficial assessments or even as a result of past events. This will ensure that, from the most basic to the most strategic decisions, they are always based on a careful and sometimes quantitative analysis,” says Quaranta.

João Marsiglia Quaranta