Also in Portuguese | November News
Every month, we will bring you the most relevant news in the corporate communication market in Portugal, presented by APCE – Portuguese Association of Corporate Communication. These are the highlights of november:
Brands bet on excitement and humor in their Christmas movies
Have you ever seen anyone on the street and believed you had just met a known person? This is more or less the plot of Nos’ Christmas campaign for the telecommunications company this year. The public figure is no other than Santa Claus or Pai Natal in Portugal. Watch the movie “Believe and Believe”.
Bertrand Bookstore has adopted the motto “Be Present” to raise awareness “for the time we spend clinging to technology over the time we are with each other.” Watch the movie made with the real testimonies of parents and children.
Under the motto “Lidl has anything and everything,” the German supermarket chain produced humorous film.
The Calema theme “Our Time” serves as a soundtrack for the Christmas campaign of Continente, Grupo Sonae’s supermarket chain, which, as usual, has Popota as its protagonist. The hippopotamus mascot sings on the film below.
Assuming that “setting up dinner is a complication,” Super Bock beer re-presents “Christmas Gathering,” challenging friends to meet during the holiday season at the brand’s retail outlets.
APCE in the FEIEA Council
António Rapoula, vice-president of the Portuguese Association of Corporate Communications (APCE) and Paula Portugal, director-general of the entity, attended this month the board meeting of the European Association for Internal Communication (FEIEA). On the agenda, many ideas, projects and the entity’s planning for 2020.
- Raí fará masterclass para primeira turma do Mestrado Profissional em parceria da Aberje com FGV e Fundação Itaú
- Jorge Duarte, professor da Escola Aberje, vence Prêmio Jabuti Acadêmico e participa da Bienal do Livro em São Paulo
- Cristiana Xavier de Brito passa a integrar o Conselho Consultivo da Aberje
- Mônica Alvarez é a nova diretora do Capítulo Aberje Amazônia
- Presidentes da ENGIE Brasil e da Academia Brasileira de Letras se encontram em reunião acompanhada pela Aberje
Marcos Santos O centenário de uma marcaAdriana Toledo A era das collabs: por que parcerias criativas dominam o mercadoAgnaldo Brito O papel estratégico da Comunicação Corporativa no segmento de infraestruturaCarlos Parente Pecar em segredo: reflexões sobre crises e redes sociaisMalu Weber Tempero brasileiro em churrasco alemão