Also in Portuguese | February 2020 News

Every month, we will bring you the most relevant news in the corporate communication market in Portugal, presented by APCE – Portuguese Association of Corporate Communication. These are the highlights of february 2020:
Fight against racism unites rivals
The racist slurs that FC Porto’s player Moussa Marega heard during a football game against Vitória in Guimarães led to a wave of support for the athlete and the fight against racism in Portugal. In addition to the opposing clubs having positioned themselves supporting the player, the two largest beer brands in the country also made a point of taking their position on the topic, defending a world without rivalries or prejudices. The companies are competitors in the beer market. Super Bock and Sagres released in their profiles a photo of the brands with the motto: “Against racism, there are no rivals.”
CTT and Lidl sign partnership for receiving online orders
CTT – Correios de Portugal started to offer the compartment service so that customers can receive orders purchased online, called Caciofos 24h. The pilot project with the spaces is available in five stores of the Lidl supermarket chain in several regions of Portugal. The initiative increases the convenience network of post offices for those who buy online. This solution appears in response to a growing need expressed by customers for the convenience of place and time for receiving orders. Customers receive a notification with a password that allows themº to withdraw their purchase at the place that suits them best.
30 years of APCE
Preparations have already started for the 30 years of APCE (Portuguese Association for Corporate Communication) to be celebrated in April. The first major movement in 2020 was the debate and promotion of the theme Ethics, which had the month of February dedicated to the theme by the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management (GA), the organization that represents APCE on the board. The hashtag #EthicsMatter was used in all communications on the topic. APCE took advantage of the theme to review/update the entity’s Code of Conduct during a meeting of the Advisory and Ethics Council held at the Lisbon Forum.
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