AFP adds the fifth country to its fact-checking operation in Latin America

The partnership between Aberje associate Agence France-Presse (AFP) and Facebook to check shared news on the social network has reached Uruguay. The country becomes the fifth in Latin America with agency teams fully dedicated to fact-checking. Thus AFP strengthens its network of checkers in the world, today present in more than 20 countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico.

Verified articles are made available to the public through the blog called “We’ve checked,” dedicated to finding shared information on the network. The verification process remains the same, with full AFP independence in the selection of topics to be examined.
Based in Montevideo, the new team will work alongside experienced AFP journalists, focusing on Uruguayan news, especially during the election campaign. The partnership includes debunking public speeches, as well as photos and videos related to the October presidential election.
The partnership with Facebook is one of several AFP initiatives against fake news around the world that reinforces the agency’s credibility in this new journalistic format:
- Participation in CrossCheck Networks, a collaborative journalism project initiated during the French Presidential Elections 2017; Comprova, during the Brazilian presidential elections of 2018; and Reverso, during the Argentine election campaign;
- Recognition of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), which has integrated AFP into 65 news outlets committed to its Code of Principles;
- Association with the Journalism Trust Initiative, created by Reporters Without Borders (RSF);
- Collaboration with Africa Check, an internationally recognized NGO for its news verification work in Africa; · Publishing articles with fact checks.
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