AccorHotels Promotes a Seminar on Architecture in the Hotel Industry

With a proposal to bring trends in architecture, decoration and design to the hotel industry, AccorHotels held the seminar Intelligence in Innovation during the 1st edition of the Design & Technical Summit on August 02, in São Paulo. The event included prominent names in design, such as Humberto Campana, of the Irmãos Campana, the muralist Eduardo Kobra and the architect Arthur Casas, among others.
To better understand how architecture and design are currently represented in the hotel business, the seminar explored issues that impact the construction and decoration of projects. According to the SVP of Design & Implementation at AccorHotels South America, Paul Mancio, “Architecture and decor have become key elements in the hotel business. Consumers are seeking experiences and stories to tell and the hotel is part of this scenario. The wealth of details and design work are integrated into the storytelling that we intend to bring to our customers.”
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