Aberje prepares for its 50th anniversary

In 1967, Aberje – Brazilian Association for Business Communications was founded by a group of editors and journalists. Its name originally stood for “Brazilian Association of Business Magazine and Newspaper Publishers”. On the date of its foundation, October 8th, is celebrated in Brazil the Corporate Communication Day.
In the coming of its 50th anniversary, Aberje is setting out the celebration that consists of three actions: a special logo, a commemorative book and a two days length congress for corporate communication.
Here are some interesting facts about the association:
The association was founded during an event
Aberje was born out of the First National Convention of Editors of Business Magazines and Journals in 1967, through an initiative created by the journalist Nilo Luchetti, then head of Public Relations at Pirelli and the publisher of Pirelli News magazine. Representatives from companies such as Volkswagen Alcan, General Electric and others also participated in the project.
In 1979 the association participated in its first international event
Aberje was the only representative of Brazil at the 11th Congress of FEIEA – Federation of European Industrial Editors Associations, held in Stockholm, Sweden. Aberje’s international participation did not stop there. In 2006, the first edition of the International Course of Corporate Communication was held in partnership with Syracuse University in the US. In 2009 the 1st International Aberje Award was awarded to Karina Garcia-Ruano, a doctoral student at Michigan State University. In 2010 the 1st Brazilian Corporate Communications Day was held in New York.
The Aberje award
Both Aberje and the Aberje award were established in 1967, during the 1st National Convention of Business Newspaper and Magazine Editors. For 42 years the Aberje award has recognized the best practices in Brazilian business communication.
The association was responsible for the first internal communication research in Brazil
Published in the RAE – Journal of Business Administration, the research project “The Internal Publication in a Brazilian Companies” realized by Nelson Savioli and Wilson Candeloro in 1968, brought about the first survey of internal communication in Brazil. Later, in 1971, it served as source material for Contribuitions a l’Étude de la Presse d’Entreprise et Essai de Bibliografie, by Dimitri Weiss, a professor at the Sorbonne in Paris.
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