25 de julho de 2019

Aberje and APCE sign cooperation agreement for corporate communication

By Sandro Rego*

Aberje and APCE during Aberje Trends 2019 (Credits: João José Carniel)

Our homeland is the Portuguese language. The quote inspired by Fernando Pessoa’s Book of Disquiet has never made as much sense as today: we are approximately 280 million Lusophone people in the world. Portuguese is the official language of nine countries, the fifth most spoken language in the world and one of the main communication tools, an essential element for bringing people, nations, and cultures closer, but also associations, companies, and commercial interests.

The language unites us. From now on, communicators from Portugal and Brazil will also work more closely with the signing of a new Cooperation Agreement between APCE (Portuguese Association of Business Communication) and Aberje (Brazilian Association for Business Communication). This section of BRpr — Aberje’s international newsletter — “Also in Portuguese,” is part of this initiative. Its goal is to highlight what has been happening in the communication market in Portugal. Content will also be shared in the APCE Webletter.

By signing the agreement, APCE and Aberje create conditions to make the best possible use of convergences between the two largest business communication associations in Portuguese-speaking countries. The agreement allows for Aberje member companies also be part of APCE’s member network and vice versa. Moreover, it also foresees the strengthening of associations and associated companies in Brazil and Portugal and should reach the professionals and companies of Mozambique, Angola, Sao Tome, Guinea-Bissau, Timor-Leste, and Cape Verde.

“APCE and Aberje are the two leading professional organizations in Institutional Communication and Public Relations, and now we will intensify our work together for the progress of business communication,” says Eduardo Guedes de Oliveira, President of APCE.

Paulo Nassar, president of Aberje, said the deal furthers contacts and the sharing of learning among members. “We will promote meetings and visits of associates from one company to another, encouraging cooperation between companies from both countries, sharing knowledge and promoting networking,” he says.

The agreement also comprises the collaboration of the two entities for the development of the professionals of the area and the proactive promotion of good practices and positive alignment in favor of common interests to the associations and their associates.

Associations are also committed to encouraging the participation of recognized associates and executives in their countries in each other’s events, as well as the presentation of successful studies and cases. Another initiative is the exchange between the APCE Academy and the Aberje School of Communication, which will jointly develop educational programs common to both countries. Members will also be subject to the same criteria for reviewing and approving scholarships in programs developed by the associations. Finally, the cooperation agreement values the professionals and provides the members of both entities promising navigation through the waters of Portuguese-language communication. What’s necessary is to communicate.

Sandro Rego is a communication consultant. He was general manager of FleishmanHillard agency and communications executive at Banco Safra, Boticário Group, Bunge and Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN). He was “Communicator of the Year” at the Aberje 2014 Award. He currently lives in Portugal and is the editor of BRpr’s “Also in Portuguese” section.