21 de dezembro de 2017

Top Management and Internal Communication*

Em se tratando de avaliar a comunicação interna das empresas, nenhum líder demonstrou preocupação sobre volume de peças, emails ou curtidas. O que eles querem é resultado. Se queremos que a área de Comunicação tenha cada vez mais espaço nas organizações, precisamos medir desempenho e não empenho.


It is very common to find Internal Communication professionals complaining about the lack of recognition of the area, the lack of support from high leadership and the lack of staff and budget.

This year I had the opportunity to interview more than 100 leaders, including presidents, vice presidents, directors and general managers. It’s a privilege for a researcher like me, since they’re professionals who represent companies listed among the 100 largest in the country, many with international careers and with experiences in various organizations.

What I have heard from them differs greatly from the complaints of the communication professionals. When asked about the objectives of communication with the internal public, the answers place the area at a high level of importance.

Mobilizing, inspiring, aligning speech, engaging, motivating, involving and recognizing were the most quoted goals. I do not remember a single leader saying that the purpose of the area is making channels, campaigns and events.

Nevertheless, when asked about performance, the situation changes a lot. I have heard criticism of the lack of connection with the business, of understanding of the strategy and the risks of operation, and of planning and measurement.

It’s very amusing: everyone is missing something. And what is left over? Information. Too many emails, channels, news, campaigns. Hence the next question was about focus. Among so many topics, projects and areas wanting to communicate, how to choose priorities? And the answers came in several ways, but I can summarize as CULTURE and BUSINESS.

Culture refers to behavior, beliefs, values, diversity, relationships between people, career, compliance, recognition. Business is about addressing strategy, challenges, projects critical to success, launches, investments, the market, new products and services.

Here’s a remarkable testimony that I’d like to share: “It is impossible to achieve our goals without communicating with our entire team. The area has to be a partner, to understand deeply of our market. Then it will be possible to mobilize employees to achieve goals, while respecting our culture. ”

In 2018, remember these valuable leadership teachings. There’s no need to do much. You must do it right though. Rather than measuring performance by volume, this must be done by effectiveness, that is, by the achievement of goals.

*By Suzel Figueiredo, founder and CEO of Ideafix Corporate Research and partner of Kubix Strategy & Communication.

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Suzel Figueiredo

Presidente da Ideafix Pesquisas & Inteligência Corporativa e co-fundadora da Indicafix - startup de métricas em Comunicação Interna. Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação pela Universidade de São Paulo, pós-graduada em Pesquisa pela ESPM – Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing é Professora convidada no GESTCORP/USP e no MBA de Comunicação Estratégica da UFBA, Universidade Federal da Bahia. Há mais de 20 anos é Professora nos cursos de pesquisa e no MBA da ABERJE. Recebeu o Prêmio ABERJE Trajetória do Ano 2020 e foi selecionada para o Programa Winning Women da EY em 2020. Também é Conselheira da Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Pesquisa e da ASBPM – Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores de Mercado, Opinião e Mídia.



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