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Midia Partner :

Blended Webinars
Brazil and UK – Dialogues and Narratives
This webinar series discusses essential global issues with strong impacts on Brazil and the UK and on the relations between these two countries.
This initiative unites Aberje (Brazilian Association for Business Communication), with its mission to reinforce the importance of communication and its professionals, and King’s Brazil Institute, with its expertise on Brazilian issues in the UK context.
New debates are on the way, bringing in 2022 cutting-edge insights into relevant topics closely related to Aberje’s theme of the year: CONFLICT, DIALOGUE & CONSENSUS: The value of communication in bridge building.
Check out what’s to come:
1. State and Market after COVID-19
How should we understand the relationship between State and Market after COVID-19.
April 2022
2. Organizations and Crisis in the Digital Age
What role does the digital character play in contemporary organizational processes, and what is the influence of digital communication in organizational crises.
July 2022
3. Fake News and Elections, what’s at stake?
What is the real social impact of disinformation, and how does fake news reshape the contours of contemporary electoral processes.
October 2022
Throughout 2021, Aberje and the King’s Brazil Institute organized four blended webinars on topics with strong impact on the relationship between these two countries.
If you missed these important discussions, head over to the webinars and stream all of these episodes in full
“The series deals with highly-relevant topics, especially for communicators and liaisons who work today within an increasingly international context.”
Paulo Nassar
(President of Aberje and Full Professor at ECA-USP)
“We thought it would be an excellent time to discuss the relationship: ours – Aberje and Brazil Institute – and the Brazil / United Kingdom relationship, taking into account the present challenges and the future.”
“Since we have an inevitable overdose of live online events, we developed a model in which the webinar participants would make their ideas available in videos. These would be available for a while so that those interested could watch according to their availability and convenience. At the same time, they could send questions and comments through the website, and finally, we would have a live online session with the participants, taking the questions and comments from the listeners.”
Vinícius Mariano de Carvalho
(Director of the King’s Brazil Institute)
Check out the full interview with Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho.