Newsletter BRPR

In 2011, Aberje – Brazilian Association for Business Communication launched the first global publication about Brazilian Corporate Communications, BRpr magazine. Five years later, the project was redesigned and since then it has become BRpr newsletter, which disseminates the relevant work in communications developed in Brazil.

The newsletter is the outcome of a series of actions aiming at Brazilian corporate communications inclusion in the global communications community. One of the pioneering initiatives in this effort has been the Brazilian Corporate Communications Day. The event was created in 2011 to present the best practices in Brazilian corporate communications, held cities like New York, London, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Mumbai, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Santiago, among others.

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Aviso importante!

A equipe da Aberje nunca entrará em contato não solicitado para pedir informações pessoais ou financeiras por telefone, e-mail ou redes sociais. Se receber qualquer comunicação suspeita, entre em contato diretamente conosco pelos canais oficiais listados em nosso site.