Climate & Health Forum addresses the issue of climate change that affects everyone’s health
Editora Globo and Albert Einstein bring together experts in several areas to discuss the effect of climate change on health across the planet
In partnership with Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Albert Einstein, an Aberje associate, Editora Globo held the Clima & Saúde Forum, which brought together experts in different areas. Their goal was to discuss how changes in the environment affect health and contribute to changing this scenario. The meeting was broadcast live by “Valor Econômico” and “O Globo” dailies on Youtube.
The president of the Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Albert Einstein, Sidney Klajner, warned of the health impacts of climate change. “These are impacts that require immediate measures from countries, governments, and organizations, whether in the public or private sector. These are not alarmist predictions of the future; they are impacts that we are already experiencing, which will worsen if nothing or very little is done.”
Professor Dr. Don Bewrick, president emeritus and senior fellow of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, one of the great global leaders in healthcare, says that the impact of climate change on health is indisputable. “The pandemic warned us of the emergence of these impacts. We need to take care of this and pay attention to what is happening concerning our health and that of future generations,” he said.
The role of organizations in Health
Understanding the delivery of innovative and sustainable solutions to solve the world’s health problems is not just about delivering medicines, said Simone Tcherniakovsky, director of corporate affairs and sustainability at Novo Nordisk. “We have to think of scalable solutions and solutions through public-private partnerships, with startups or other bodies, because the problem of chronic non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes and obesity, is so serious that they are already considered epidemic diseases.”
“It is impossible to talk about health without mentioning a broader system around it,” said Henrique Neves, CEO of Hospital Albert Einstein. “In recent years, the role of the individual in organizations has changed a lot. The world has changed a lot in the last few decades, and I think organizations need to rethink their relationships with individuals deeply.”
“This sequence of events created a new relationship between the organization and the workforce because, at a difficult time, we managed to improve the climate within the organization,” he said. “Today, this is essential in modern organizations, which perceive employee health as an important asset.”.
Among the reflections of Carolina Learth, head of sustainability at Santander on the role of organizations and what needs to be done to work on the health issue is the connection between sustainability and health. “That’s what should guide what we’re going to do. We proved this in the pandemic, but we prove it every day with the Amazon, for example, with scientific articles and data so that we can make decisions. We must take science very seriously and all that it can provide to make the best decisions,” she said.
Watch the forum here:
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