Alejandro Cornejo Montibeller Joins the Latin American Regional Council of the Global Alliance
Alejandro Cornejo Montibeller, Director of the School of Communication Sciences at the University of San Martín de Porres in Peru (Universidad San Martin de Porres – USMP), has joined the Latin American Regional Council of the Global Alliance, bringing his multidisciplinary background in communication, acoustic ecology, and international cooperation. He holds a degree in Journalism and a Master degree in Cultural Management, Heritage, and Tourism. He has worked at numerous public and private institutions in the areas of health, community relations, international cooperation, and human rights.
“Being part of this Council is both a challenge and an opportunity to actively contribute to the integration agenda of the corporate community in the region. Through this collaborative work, we can foster a greater sense of cohesion and cooperation, raising professional standards that will have a positive impact on initiatives for the development of Latin America as a unit,” said Alejandro.
He is also the representative in Peru for the Radio Production Center (CPR), a founding member of the Documentary Sound Forum in Spanish (SONODOC), and a member of the Ibero-American Network of Digital Preservation for Audio and Moving Image Archive (RIPDASA). Throughout his career, he has participated in conferences and workshops in countries such as Switzerland, Spain, France, Germany, and Mexico, sharing his research and audiovisual productions on an international level.
Global Alliance
The Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management is the confederation of the world’s major PR and communication management associations, organisations and institutions, representing over 360,000 practitioners, academics and students across 126 countries worldwide.
Latin American Regional Council
Hamilton dos Santos, Chief Executive Officer of Aberje, is the current leader of the Latin American Regional Council of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management and serves on the Global Alliance board. Other members of the council include Analia Canale from Cambras (the Argentine-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Services); Carolina Prado from Intel; David Grinberg from Arcos Dorados; Diego Campal from the Argentina PR Council; Francisco Aylwin Oyarzún from FOCCO (Chilean association); Gladys Díaz from PRPRA (Puerto Rican association); Marcel Dellabarba from Samsung; Olga Oro from PRORP (Mexican association); Thyago Mathias from LLYC; and Victor Pereira from Aberje.
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- Alejandro Cornejo Montibeller Joins the Latin American Regional Council of the Global Alliance
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